Maadri Pathirana completed her BSc in Engineering (2022) with a first-class degree at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. Her bachelor’s thesis focused on the removal of organic dyes from textile effluent through the fabrication of a novel electrospun membrane. She received the Manamperi Award for the best undergraduate project in Engineering in Sri Lanka. Following this, she held a position as a lecturer on a contract at the University of Moratuwa for a year before joining our research group in January 2024.She was awarded an EPSRC Industrial CASE PhD Research Studentship with Schlumberger Limited to pursue a PhD in Chemical Engineering at Queen Mary University of London. Her PhD research explores the use of textile waste as a carbon source for redox flow battery electrodes. Maadri will investigate the structure, elemental composition, and electrochemical activity of different textile waste sources after carbonization and study their impact on the performance of flow batteries.